Product Management, Design, UX, Revenue Strategy

I have been the Head of Product at for the last 4 years. is a division of USA TODAY. In my time here, I have been involved in all parts of the business. This includes product management, design, marketing, audience development, editorial strategy, sales and operations. 


The Best Right Now

I took thousands of points of data and content to create our flagship product, The Best Right Now (example). Each of these pieces of content is written to serve a clear user purchasing intent. These are always up-to-date because they’re driven by the data we collect for each product. Creating one is a 5 minute affair.

I have been the Head of Product at for the last 4 years.

Reimagining the Editorial Product

I made fundamental changes to the editorial product, converting’s long-standing 50 page reviews into one page reviews. While 50 page reviews had a short term SEO win, we weren’t building trust with the user. Since the conversion, time on site and pageviews per user have gone up significantly.

I helped to turn a complicated, enthusiasts' editorial product into one for the average consumer.

Testing and Search Optimization

I instituted a test-driven culture with our design and development efforts. While we often go with emotion and instinct at the beginning of our process, we use A/B tests, heat maps, and analytics for final decision making.

While we still start with instinct, we now regularly test our assumptions.